In this section you will be able to view our extensive range of short CPD sessions. All sessions can be delivered face-to-face or online.
Cognitive Skills
- Cognitive flexibility: an essential skill for the 4th industrial revolution
- The art of disagreement
- Critical thinking and decision-making skills
- Problem solving through creative thinking
- Customer thinking and perception
- Words for thought: how to use language that changes minds
- The thinking paradox
- 7 Top tips on how to be a more effective and more efficient learner when studying for professional qualifications
- Ecopsychology: the impact of your surroundings on well-being and productivity
- From Chaos to Calm: techniques for taming the inner voices
- Laughing yourself to wellness: the science of laughter in the workplace and an introduction to laughter yoga
- Behavioural Biases in the Customer Journey: how to identify and handle them to avoid customer harm
- The Art of Unknowing: learning how to rethink and unlearn to make better strategic decisions for you and your clients
Communication Skills
- Communicating with customers in difficult and uncertain times
- 7 Habits of highly effective negotiators in insurance and financial services
- 5 Communication habits of highly effective insurance and financial services professionals
- How to understand and explain insurance policies in 5 easy steps
- Humanising communication and increasing client interaction in an automated world
- The art of effective listening and connecting with people
- Essential questioning skills for insurance and financial services professionals
- Writing to express and not to impress
- Powers of persuasion: top tips for persuasive writing skills
- From criticism to collaboration: communication strategies for resolving complaints
- Storytelling: communicate with power and transform your business
- The art of listening to what people DON´T say
- Hard talk: how to communicate with customers about price rises and other impacts of a hard market
- Diversity in communication: how to communicate with a wider and more diverse audience
- Communicating with vulnerable customers
- 5 Habits of Highly Effective Claims Handlers in Insurance
- 5 Communication Habits of Highly Effective Negotiators
- 5 ways to improve the way you use & ask questions throughout the customer journey
- How to Write Clear Documents That Customers Can Understand
- SURE: a new technique to ensure clients have understood your advice
We have a particular expertise in insurance law and the law of torts. We offer courses in the following law-related areas:
- The Supreme Court on vicarious liability: have we reached the final destination?
- For better or for worse: cases that shaped our professional lives
- The court of cards: the Supreme Court, casinos and insurance fraud
- Application fraud: the forgotten front line battle!
- Ghost broking: the not so phantom menace
- When a lie is dishonest but a claim isn´t: the law relating to fraudulent devices
- Law of torts in a nutshell
- The new normal: a vicarious liability minefield
- The psychology of insurance fraud
- Public liability: where are we heading? A review of recent case law
Late Payment of Claims: the next battleground uncovered and explained
- The Uber test case and the ride ahead for the insurance industry
- The death of the Orient-Express: a new train of thought on proximate cause?
- Donoghue v Stevenson: what the law textbooks didn´t tell you
- The Consumer Duty Skills Toolkit
- All Change: 2 years in which the Supreme Court transformed the way we and our clients do business
- When the Computer Says No: strategies for getting around automated systems
- An Introduction to Maritime Law
- Outcomes-Based Regulation: understanding how to work in the new regulatory environment
- The “purpose of duty” and a major new approach to professional negligence claims from the Supreme Court
- Proximate Cause and Exclusions: the Court of Appeal provides further guidance
- Reading, understanding and applying laws
Business Development
- Trust, transparency and visibility: striking the right balance in the workplace
- Why people buy products & services
- Trust & loyalty: how to win it and how to keep it
- Drafting policies to match brand promises, marketing messages and consumer expectations
- Discovery-driven planning: how to plan for and create genuine change and innovation in uncertain times 47
- Meetings: making more of less
- An introduction to co-opetition and how it applies to insurance and financial services
- Creating and claiming value in negotiations
- Human v Automated Decision-Making: have we gone too far?
- The Five Key Habits of a Trusted Advisor
- Negotiations: how to make proposals and respond to counter-proposals
- The Role of Psychology in Negotiations
- Where do I begin? Researching, structuring and writing coursework assignments
- Negotiations and the Relationship Paradox
Wine tasting and training?
We have developed a unique course that brings in Jeff´s other passion: wine! Through the Grapevine: what wine can teach us about being a better communicator examines the key characteristics of a good communicator and then, through tasting, compares them with the key characteristics of a good wine. A perfect way to combine social and training events for your company.
- Through the grapevine: what wine can teach us about being a better communicator!
- To Pair or Not to Pair: what wine pairings can teach us about forming high quality connections in our social and professional lives
- What can Winemaking Teach Us About AI in Insurance & Financial Services?
- Wine and Wellbeing: what wine tasting can teach us about how to develop sensory awareness for better mental wellbeing
- Moving Beyond Labels: what wine can teach us about diversity and inclusion
- A Review Of The Last Year And The Year To Come In Insurance And Financial Services What The World of Wine Can Teach us!